Tuesday, October 16, 2007


day 3:

nothing new today.
same old routine.


i listen a lot of songs these days.
saw the pic. of my niece today.
loved it.
i wish i cud had her in front of me.
but not all of the wishes can be fulfilled, i know.
she is a lot more active than when i saw her last time.
bhaiyya told me that.
newayz i cud see the pix, that is enough for now.

njoyin Debian.

today i slept in the daytime.
this thing is unusual to me.
i almost never sleep in daytime.
i think i am becoming lazy.
not anymore.
i will keep track of the number of hours i sleep.
also no sleep in the daytime.
only six hours of sleep in a day.
i think that wud be enough for me.

i have not done yoga for the last many days.
tomorrow morning, i am going to do that for half an hour.

holidays are not boring at all.
i along with my friends are learning PL/SQL.
it might be finished when the holidays come to an end.
so no problems.

i visited Orkut today.

my website count is increasing day by day.
but not at that pace at which it should be.

there is a lot of decoration almost everywhere here.
Durga Puja is going on.
yesterday i saw a very big Pandal.

we are thinking abt going to a movie in the theatre someday.
the chances of that is fifty-fifty.
noone is sure abt that.
reason: we dont have that much of money to spend.
i also wanted to go to watch a movie in a theatre.
but as i stated above, not all your wishes can be fulfilled.
let's see wht happens.

lunch: North Indian thali
dinner: Roti, Aloo Gobi

i am sure, that my friends r having a lot of fun at home.
njoy friends.
i miss u all.

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