Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Were the First Stars Powered by Dark Matter?

When scientists look at what makes a star and what makes it burn, they turn to fusion. However, according to new research, dark matter annihilation was the source of energy for the earliest stars, rather than fusion, when the universe was only 100 to 200 million years young.

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Scientists Build First Man-Made Genome

Craig Ventner has created the first Genome from scratch - essentially accomplishing the inverse of the human genome project - by taking an almost 600,000 long base pair sequence from a computer and turning it into a DNA strand. This allows scientists to create living "robots" from scratch, and could lead to man-made biofuel producing cells.

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Microsoft posts new Windows XP SP3 build, RC2 to the public

Two weeks after it last handed a new build of Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) to several thousand invitation-only testers, Microsoft Corp. today posted that version for public downloading. Want to try it out? Here's how: Uninstall RC1 if you have that first, download the reg patch from , then run windows update to get it.

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Is This the PDF Killer? Scribd Launches iPaper.

iPaper is a lightweight alternative to Adobe Reader that streams documents in your web browser similar to YouTube videos. It's fast, free, and won't crash your browser. iPaper also lets you put ads in documents for the first time ever.

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Undersea saboteurs may have been responsible for cable cuts

New information from the UN agency tasked with repairing the undersea cable cuts of early February has reported that they can't rule out sabotage at this point of time. Of the five cuts, only one has been ruled an accidental failure—the cause of the other four is still unknown.

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It's official: HD DVD is dead, the format war over

Toshiba just made a statements saying, "It will no longer develop, manufacture and market HD DVD players and recorders." Finally.

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SHIFT: Are solid-state drives really better than hard disks?

Well... are they?

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Amazon S3 - World's most reliable web service is DOWN

The most reliable storage on the net been down for over 30 minutes and counting. This might not seem much, but think how many sites now rely 100% on Amazon S3 to keep their sites running - such as SmugMug and PageFlakes. These sites are losing revenue right now...

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GeForce 8 cards to gain PhysX support via software dowload

Nvidia completed its acquisition of Ageia yesterday, and it has revealed that it will soon introduce PhysX physics processing support into all of its GeForce 8-series graphics cards through a simple software download. PhysX support will allow the cards to accelerate physics effects in games.

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AMD delaying quad-core Phenom 9700 and 9900 once again?

The sun just refuses to shine on AMD -- according to several Taiwanese motherboard manufacturers, AMD is saying that the quad-core Phenom 9700 and 9900 are going to be delayed yet again, this time to the end of Q3. Apparently there's a buffer-related glitch in the original design, so AMD is actually "canceling" the two chips and [...]

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Google intoxicates Linux users with Wine improvements

Improvements to Wine sponsored by Google have made it possible to run Adobe Photoshop and Dragon Naturally Speaking on Linux.

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From Windows to Linux - and back again

Seven years ago, Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar School, which is situated in a suburb of Melbourne, took a step that made it stand out from other educational institutions.he school decided to adopt Linux on the desktop on a fairly large scale, with about 350 workstations being installed with the free operating system.

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From Windows to Linux - and back again

Seven years ago, Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar School, which is situated in a suburb of Melbourne, took a step that made it stand out from other educational institutions.he school decided to adopt Linux on the desktop on a fairly large scale, with about 350 workstations being installed with the free operating system.

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Run Linux inside Windows

andLinux is a complete Ubuntu Linux system running seamlessly in Windows 2000 based systems (2000, XP, 2003, Vista [32-bit only]). andLinux is not just for development and runs almost all Linux applications in Windows without modification. It supports quick launch icons, start menu, system tray, Explorer shell extensions and file type associations.

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Impressive Eye Candy: 3D OpenGL Transitions for OpenOffice.o

PowerPoint's push-down transition has done its 15 years of service, and it's time for something new. Do the sleepy faces in your meetings agree? Impress 2.4 upstages PowerPoint with ten 3D transitions rendered in OpenGL.

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Virtualization in Linux: A Review of Four Software Choices

Virtualization is the technique of running a "guest" operating system inside an already-running OS; for example, Windows inside Linux, or visa-versa. This article compares four virtualization products available for Ubuntu Linux: the free, open source Qemu; the closed-but-free versions of VirtualBox and VMware-Server, and the commercial Parallels.

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69 Linux-Unix cheat sheets - The ultimate collection

The ultimate collection of cheat sheets for linux users. Enough to fill up your whole wall with commands yielded by the geek gods!Be sure to digg this so more people can have the opportunity to get ahold of all these in one place.

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how to increase fontsize in Firefox and Opera


keep control button pressed.
scrolling mouse wheel forward will make the text smaller
scrolling mouse wheel backward will make the text larger.


keep control button pressed.
scrolling mouse wheel backward will make the text smaller
scrolling mouse wheel forward will make the text larger.